Toronto. George Dunbar recently sent me a note on the images of some Canadian Photographers. Amongst them was this photo of Ev Roseborough. Ev died at 99 years of age in London Ontario on April 8th, 2011. His friend and associate Stan White did a remarkable multi-page article on Ev in 37-1 of our journal beginning on page 15.
Ev was certainly a renaissance man in the full sense of the word. In addition to being a photographer with his own studio for many years, he was organist for a local church, member of the PHSC, editor of the Photographic Canadiana, until Bob Lansdale took over, member of the Historical Microscopical Society of Canada (HMSC), and had many more interests and pursuits.
Members can find the full story of Ev and all the issues of the journal that he edited on the DVD given to all new members.