Spicing it up

Fritz Spiess photographing on set

Toronto. To the surprise of many folk, Canada has an active movie industry. It has expanded in recent decades with the burgeoning North American television industry and its constant thirst for new fodder.

In issue 19-4 (some three plus decades ago) then editor Ev Roseborough celebrated the life and times of Fritz Spiess in his article, “Fritz Spiess – Dean of Canadian cinematographers”. Sadly, Fritz died just over four year later in March, 1998.

Ev begins by writing,Now retired, with accolades from all branches of the industry, we may meet Fritz at our Spring and Fall Fairs, surrounded by pristine cameras; but more than a collector of photographica, he is collector of awards for his work.

“I have known Fritz for many years since we share a great love for the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. Here Fritz has the advantage of having been a student and chorister at Thomas Schule in Leipzig from 1935 to 1943. Bach was organist at St. Thomas Kirche and taught at the schooin 1723. The great choral tradition continues.

“Fritz received his first Zeiss-Ikon box camera at the age of six from his father, a photographer and photo dealer, as was his grandfather. The family had been in photography since 1896.

“War service interrupted his apprenticeship which was resumed in 1946 with the renowned portraitist Tita Binz, in Heidelberg. …”

Well, you must know the drill by now! If not, You  can  read all of editor Roseborough’s article in the paper copy of 19-4 or the pdf file for 19-4 on the free members-only DVD. Non-members can join today. Read the MEMBERSHIP sub-menu above (Membership Form) and the article at right (PayPal). Send your cheque with the form or send the form and use a credit card/your PayPal account. Questions? Email Lilianne at member@phsc.ca.

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