sad lady, sad song

Evelyn Nesbit 1906 by an unknown photographer

Toronto. Such a pretty portrait; such a tragic situation. The girl is Evelyn Nesbit who saw her husband, Railway scion Harry Thaw, shoot and kill her lover, architect Stanford White, in the Big Apple on June 25, 1906. This portrait, taken about 1903 by an unknown photographer, shows Nesbit in all her beauty at about 19.

Nesbit was born around 1885 and died years after the tragedy in early 1967. She seems to have had a wild and varied life and careers both before and after 1906!

While the name of the photographer has been lost in the mists of time, Nesbit’s photograph is well known. In this example, it  appeared as one of three in the Gallery (pp 7, 8, 9) of the October 16, 1970 edition of LIFE magazine.

My thanks to good friend George Dunbar for bringing this photograph to my attention. George is busy investigating various magazine photos, stories and ads in his pursuit of photographic history.


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