Pathe Freres 28mm cine camera c1912
Our second issue of Photographic Canadiana hit the mails last week. Editor Bob Lansdale has created another fabulous issue for our 40th year. The first article covers the 28mm cine camera. In researching this camera, Bob Wilson recalled he has the companion 28mm projector and a second article was written as Bob Wilson expanded on both the camera and the Pathe projector, both sold a century ago.
Toronto notes covers the April, May, and June meetings beginning with Meredith Reddy’s interesting discussion of the history of super-natural photos. Ms Reddy’s review was followed by Barry Shainbaum’s talk and how photography came to his aid. I found him to be a very engaging and professional speaker as well as a photographic professional. Later in the issue is the May meeting and our 40th anniversary at Campbell House. Thanks to Doug Napier for suggesting the tour and contributing to the refreshments.

A few of the images illustrating the many articles in issue 40-2
Stan White has his own two page colour insert in this issue. He discusses the use of colour separation and the National One-Shot colour camera when he first emigrated from England in 1957. His first job was photographer for Continental Color Corporation in Kitchener, Ontario. Stan was based here in Toronto. See the details in his story.
John Rochon contributed a timely article on Sarnia photographer John Philip Barron. And the Pathe movie system articles were complemented by a reprint of the Popular Science 1916 article on the Akeley camera and its importance to the history of cine.
Remember, this edition will be received by all PHSC members. If you are not a member, then by all means join today by clicking the PayPal Pay Now link in the upper right side bar of this page.