Photographic Canadiana 37-1

Have you sent in your membership renewal? The first edition of the 37th volume of our journal Photographic Canadiana was mailed Wednesday, May 4th, 2011. As a courtesy this issue went to those few who haven’t yet paid their dues for the new year.

 Photographic Canadiana 37-1

Journal 37-1 May-June 2011. Everett Rosborough Ltd. Contessa-Nettel Deckrullo Stereo. Love Story - A Second Look.

It has three excellent articles (and other items of interest). Stan White and Bob Lansdale pull together the story of Everett Roseborough and his contributions to photography. A terrific follow up to Bill Kantymir’s last article – “A Love Story from World War One” written by the grand-daughter of the couple! And a story on the beautiful Contessa-Nettel Deckrullo Stereo Tropical camera.


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