Toronto. From time to time, our late editor, Bob Lansdale, would come across an article in an exchange newsletter that he felt would complement our own journal. If approval of the author was given, Bob would consider printing the article.
This happened with an article on the Zeiss 2-1/4 square TLRS – more specifically, the Ikoflex III. The article by Bernd K Otto titled “The Ikoflex III – almost a Veraflex” was reproduced the spring of 2005 in the 30-5 issue. Members read the entire article – even newer members as they received this issue of the journal on a DVD.
Not a member? Just drop down the right side bar of this page. A drop down menu lets you choose a 1 year or 3 year membership. Then choose either PayPal button – the top blue one if you wish to use your own PayPal account, or the bottom black one if you want to use a credit card.
Of course, you can drop in to our spring fair this Sunday May 26th – you may find an Ikoflex or something else to complement your collection/user gear (either film or digital goodies abound). Let’s see… free parking, cheap admission, and great food as well as potential bargains – what’s not to love!