Toronto. In issue 17-4, Ev wrote an article about a Toronto photographer, John Crawford, and his boss Nelson Hutchinson (Hitch).
In part Ev writes, “Digressing for a moment, John related a humorous occurrence during his time with Hitch. Previously mentioned was his employer’s fondness for ‘a drop’ which he enjoyed sharing with his friends. These included a number of members of ‘Toronto’s finest’ who found solace in the warm studio during police duties on freezing days. Hitch’s car was known by sight.
“One day John was driving a client near the Flatiron building at Wellington and Church Sts. when a traffic jam developed. One of ‘the finest’ who was directing traffic, waved John through a red light, past all the others. ‘Gosh’, said the client, ‘how do you rate that?’ to which the driver replied, ‘I’m not sure,’ and mumbled something about Hitch having something to do with the Police Department.”
Members read the entire story and more in a pdf file for issue 17-4 recorded on the member-only DVD. Membership is both inexpensive and easy. See the menu item ‘MEMBERSHIP’ above or the “Membership – Join or Renew!” article at the far right. Questions? Email Lilianne, our Membership Secretary, at