A 40 year Photographic Canadiana Index


Label courtesy of Jennifer Jones, wife of our President, Lewko (Clint) Hryhorijiw.

Toronto.  Back around 1986, both me and then editor Bill Belier had the idea of compiling an index of articles published in the Photographic Canadiana. Bill had started outlining his ideas  using index cards while I began a file on my Amiga computer. Bill quickly saw that my computerized version would be far more versatile and asked me to proceed.

In the January, 1988 issue of Photographic Canadiana, a note by Bill Belier was published announcing that 12 years of the journal had been indexed by me and was available as a hard copy (paper)  document (in later years the journal itself included an index of all articles published in an issue).

A comprehensive index based on my database was published in a hard copy version for each of the 25th and 30th anniversaries under the direction of Photographic Canadiana editor Bob Lansdale. In each case, the index was compiled by me on a current computer. While the index first saw life as a file on my Amiga in a program called SuperBase, as time passed I maintained the journal index first on a Windows computer using Microsoft Access and later on an iMac computer using the Numbers spread sheet.

When the PHSC reached its 35th Anniversary, we decided to publish an electronically searchable copy of every issue of Photographic Canadiana as a series of pdf files on a DVD. It was decided to include the old index too, making it feasible to search either the actual issues or the index. This policy was followed recently for the 40th Anniversary DVD.

In this afternoon’s mail was my personal copy of our journal, issue 41-2 and inside was the fabulous 40th Anniversary DVD compiled by Wayne Gilbert and his team. The DVD had come through our postal system unscathed. The DVD included our index updated to cover all articles we have published in Photographic Canadiana over the past 40 years – all 3,549 entries.

As a member, you will receiver issue 41-2 and the DVD by mail shortly if it hasn’t arrived  at your mailbox already. If you are not yet a member, it is easy to do – just click on the PayPal button near the top of the right sidebar of this web site!

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