Waddingtons On Line Auction

Waddingtons Lot 294, Leica IIIf, five lenses and leather case, plus.

Waddingtons Lot 294, Leica IIIf, five lenses and leather case, plus.

Toronto. My thanks to Ashley Cook for noting this Canadian on line auction by Waddingtons. The cameras she mentioned are mid way in the lots.

Set the number of lots per page to 100 and scroll down close to the bottom of page 1. The prices are in C$ and seem reasonable/low to me – a bidding strategy?

Click on the icon at left to see a larger view of lot 294 on the Waddingtons site or click on the above link to the site to see the full number of lots. Auction will be held June 27-30 so look soon if you plan to bid.

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