view view master master ad ad

A Vanguard special for View-Master in this January 26, 1959 LIFE ad.

Toronto. January 1959. The USA was digging into the space race and to capitalize on it, View-Master offered a special deal for a viewer and seven photos of a Vanguard Rocket being launched in Florida at Cape Canaveral plus three other reels to introduce your family to the marvels of 3D in general and View-Master in particular.

A big thanks to George Dunbar for telling me about this epic advertisement in the January 26, 1959 edition of the popular LIFE magazine. As you may recall, Russia caught the states with its proverbial pants down when the tiny payload of the Sputnik rocket took off and entered orbit this month in 1957 to be the first thing in space to orbit the earth. I can still remember that night, sitting in my ham radio shack listening to the tiny beeps from space.

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