the satisfaction of volunteering

Mar 2017 Auction – all efforts shown, except printing the journal, are performed by PHSC volunteers

Toronto. When I reviewed issue 30-3 of our journal I was reminded that we lost the first of our founders that summer/fall of 2004 (Larry Boccioletti). Bob Lansdale posted a notice on page three asking potential volunteers to contact the late Bob Wilson.

Well, two decades later, we still need volunteers and if you can help, email me at and I will pass you on to Clint.  We are always in need and can pop you into any appropriate task/position.

For example, I joined the society in 1975, just after the Charter Member offering closed.  On volunteering a year later, My first task was auditing our first year’s expenses. I later moved to the executive where I held various positions.

My most recent position is that of 2nd Vice President – and Webmaster. I created the web site and it was up April 17, 1996 when few people had personal computers or even knew of the world wide web. Since then, I have done a few major revisions, most recently changing to WordPress to make editing and uploading images and files a much easier process, especially for anyone with no commercial web editor nor any in depth technical experience.

Some of our volunteers hold down day jobs as well, while others are retired and free to contribute their energy and resources. As a not-for-profit society, we rarely pay for the services of our volunteers (speakers are offered a small stipend).

Want to see us in action? Come out to the May 5th auction (you may even find a piece for your collection)!

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