Toronto. to quote Charles Dickens and his book, “A Tale of Two Cities”. The 1970s was when the PHSC was formed (1974). In the 1970s camera collecting, image collecting and photo history were growing in popularity.
Collecting clubs formed, books were published, old cameras gained value, camera fairs were held, museums, archives, libraries, and art galleries had photography sections and exhibitions were held at places like the CNE and the underground passage ways in downtown Toronto.
Establishments like George Eastman House in Rochester became hot attractions. There was a scramble for fresh speakers knowledgeable in the old processes and old equipment. Data on early cameras was unearthed. Camera serial numbers were correlated with dates and camera models.
As the era of digital technology arrived, film technology and the early days of photography faded from interest – other than high end cameras and photographs by famous studios of famous people, especially older photographs. Meantime the PHSC and its publications and event continue to thrive. Truly the best of times.