of stone is exhibited

Steven Evans does an exhibition of his work at the Hello Gallery.  March 20 – April 14, 2020
Reception March 19th

Toronto. Member Steven Evans went out to the country side and took a series of photographs that are the focus of an exhibition in this city beginning this month.

Steven writes “After 40 years of photographing urban environments, I recently strayed out into the countryside to further explore the relationship between people and the places they live and work.

“I am pleased to have the opportunity to share some of this new work with you. My most recent collection, on view at Helio Gallery in Toronto, is titled de Pedra (of Stone) and focuses on the central and northern regions of Portugal where the locally sourced stone is employed in vernacular and religious architecture, art, roads and terraced farm fields.

“Crumbling huts, sturdy drystone walls, light-filled renaissance cloisters, intricately carved effigies and mysterious elevated granaries all reveal an ancient, intimate and persistent connection between people and their environment.”

Click on the icon above, left for a poster detailing the exhibition. Come out and enjoy the fine work of one of our members!

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