Toronto. An unidentified writer (our editor?) said in a prelude to the article “Wither Soft Light of the 1930s …”
“I’ve been perplexed for years by certain lighting of nudes during the pictorial period. I don’t make any great study of nudes but such pictures, as per the sample, urge me to question of HOW WAS IT DONE?
“I know it must be flat lighting but it looks like some special effect has been applied to the image such as the sabattier process.
“I was trolling through a newly acquired copy of a 1933 issue of Camera Craft magazine when suddenly I was confronted with another example of this technique. And to my joy the author of the accompanying article, Fred P. Peel, ARPS, explained the whole process of his “Shadowless Lighting.””.
Anyone who has enjoyed Crime Scene TV (like the CSI series) have seen photos of the body taken wth a ring flash around the lens to create “shadowless” lighting. To enjoy the rest of the detailed and illustrated article, see Photographic Canadiana, issue 38-1 which was sent to members in May/June 2012 by mail. More recent members could also read this article on the DVD sent by the PHSC (covers Photographic Canadiana volumes 1 – 40). Not a member? Just follow the steps to the right, or view the MEMBERSHIP menu item above. Sign up and the DVD will be sent to you via Canada Post.