Toronto. George Dunbar found this GTA contest that was open to special people in our city and sponsored by the Toronto Star newspaper.
“Tobias, with four friends he knows through Native Men’s Residence, is trekking through the trees, near St. Clair Ave. W. and Bathurst St. All are armed with disposable cameras to shoot photos for MYTORONTO, a new contest aimed at showing Canada’s largest city through the eyes of people who have been pushed to its margins.
“MYTORONTO is modeled on MyLondon, launched by Café Art, in England, in 2013. It was brought to Toronto by humanitarian charity Ve’ahavta and the Toronto Alliance to End Homelessness, with the support of the London team and made possible with the help of city staff, agencies supporting marginalized people, commercial businesses and leaders in the photography world.
“Camera pick-up, drop-off and phase one of a two-part judging process took place at Ryerson University’s School of Image Arts building.
“The winners of MYTORONTO photo competition will be on display from Oct. 18 to 22, at Artscape Youngplace on Shaw St. Their stories will be featured in the Toronto Star and [on a calendar]. Details about the contest and where to buy the calendar are at .”