rolling with the punches

ad for the 1939 Rolleiflex TLR camera

Toronto. This ad appeared in the September, 1939 issue of Popular Mechanics. At the time, Burleigh Brooks was the American importer of various German cameras including the Rollei. This ad was likely submitted about 3 months earlier in June of 1939. But talk about poor timing! In September, 1939 WW2 broke out in Europe. Shortly afterwards German exports of cameras and other photographic materials ceased until after the war.

At the time, and post WW2, Rolleiflex was the twin-lens reflex (TLR) camera to beat. It was a marvellous instrument – the epitome of TLR design. This ad implies once again that its the camera (a nearly life size view of the scene before you shoot) not just the photographer that creates a prize winning shot.

My thanks to my good friend and fellow PHSC member, George Dunbar, for sharing this rather badly timed advertisement for one of the better German made cameras.



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