PHSC News newsletter for October 2021

Demon Detective Camera

Toronto. At right top of page 1 in the latest PHSC News newsletter is another British camera This one, c1889 was made by the American Camera Company of London, England.

October, 2021 is well underway, and our editor, Sonja and her team, have produced a Halloween special for you as the COVID-19 fourth wave seems to be winding down for us up here, driven mostly by our vaccination levels and close adherence to common sense guidelines.

This latest issue of PHSC News (21-04) has many thought provoking articles – short, crisp, and provocative. Take a few moments and read them to ease your virus avoidance lethargy.  Page 1 under “Shining Example” covers a hotel used by Stephen King for his scary 1977 novel.  Page 2 in “PHSC PRESENTS (virtually)” covers the movie takes on scary characters.The article is titled, “Medical Malpractice Leads to Lupine Self-Loathing“. On page 3, under PHOTO BOOK 101 is, “We Might not See Them but They See Us“,  about King’s preface to a book on Gargoyles. Continuing on with scary stuff, STREAMables has the article, “Haunting can be Daunting at Bly Manor“; while page 5 speaks to the untimely death of a young Rockefeller in the article, “The Foreshortened Life and Times of Michael Rockefeller“.

Page 6 addresses “The Kenney, Pallister and Moe of Nikon Lenses” in David’s EQUIPMENT REVIEW (about some dreadful Nikon lenses). John Morden once again  steps in to select the trio of WEB LINKS shown on page 7.

And, page 8 features a poster on our forth-coming ZOOM event  “Generation Homeless: Impact of the Unhoused Crises(WARNING: We goofed on the date and link! Go here on the web instead – we swapped two presentations but apparently our page layout software had a mind of its own …). On page 9, our friends, Ivy & Izzy, trade quips on “A Time Warp of Rocky Horror Canadiana” followed by John’s compilation page of shows, events, and exhibitions of interest to PHSC members and photographers everywhere.

P.S. As usual, every link shown in the newsletter is a hot link just waiting for your click!

P.P.S. You can visit this issue by clicking here, or by g0ing to the menu item NEWSLETTER at the top of the page. There is a drop down menu that takes you to older issues dating back a couple of decades to the very beginning.

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