PHSC News for September 2019

famous Rolleiflex

Toronto. Editor Sonja Pushchak and her team serve up a tasty newsletter issue to kick off our fall session after the summer break.

The issue begins with some photos by the late Jane Hope Bown of Britain. Next page introduces McQuarrie and Herget, our speakers this month. Next up, Jane Bown, this time her book and photos of Cats.

The fair poster is followed by David Bridge’s review of polarization in photography. Next up, a serious talk on Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time. (Who can forget his Reservoir Dogs, or Pulp Fiction?) Louise’s Web Links follow – always an interesting and eclectic trio of photos, comments, and links.

Sonja then tosses in a page of PHSC activities, a dash of tongue in cheek comments by Vi and Dot,  and the ever popular classifieds.

Click here or on the Rolleiflex above left to read or print this edition in all its glory!

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