PHSC News for June 2017

Fuji Film Instax Mini 8 instant film camera

Toronto. The pdf newsletter was sent out Friday morning to everyone on the mailing list. Editor Sonja Pushchak has produced another entertaining newsletter of 13 pages. The front page article discussed “Fab Film Stars” – not quite the stars we usually think about. Page two is a reminder of the June Toronto meeting and its special tribute to our country’s 150th anniversary.

Following is the trunk show poster, a page on AGO’s  Georgia O’Keeffe exhibit, the Cycle Diary page by Lorne Shields, a page on how photographers calculated exposure before meters – built-in or otherwise. David Bridge follows and writes about  his experiences with manual flash synchronization. Louse Freyburger has a delightful page with hot links called WEB LINKS. We wrap up with a page on “Pix and Politics”, a book review “All Classic, All Japan”, and our popular Ask Vicky and the Classifieds page.

Click HERE to read and down load this scrumptious issue – and join us on Wednesday, June 21st to celebrate our  county’s 150th anniversary!

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