Photographic Canadiana Supplement 2-4 (May 2021)

Photographic Canadiana Supplement 2-4 May 2021

Toronto. This year, the PHSC sponsored a project by students in the Film + Photography Preservation and Collections Management Program at Ryerson University. The project will mount an exhibition of images from the Sovfoto Archive at the MacLaren Art Centre at the Ryerson Image Centre  (September 15 – October 24, 2021).

We are circulating a PDF of the exhibition catalogue as a special thank-you to those whose memberships and renewals allow us to support important student work of this kind. As a member of the PHSC, you received this supplement Friday, the 7th of May.

Vol 2-4 was sent out last Friday afternoon to all current members with an email address. If you did NOT get a copy, please email me at and I will send you a copy after verification of your membership. Not YET a member? well, for heaven’s sake! Grab your plastic and register via PayPal on the upper right of this page! And you can donate to the society the same way via PayPal, or go to our Canada Helps entry on the link below the PAY NOW button.

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