Photographic Canadiana 43-4 out soon

Photographic Canadiana 43-4

Toronto. Our final issue for the 2017/8 membership year will hit the mail by month end. Members will see this beautiful issue early next month at the latest. Not a member? No problem, just go to the top right hand side bar of this site and sign up. Canadian addresses can choose one year or three years.

In the current issue are reviews of our monthly meetings for November and December 2017. Editor Lansdale and his able research assistant trace the Scouten family history and editor Lansdale tells a story about Tanner’s Crossing too . This is a riff from a Manitoba Land Grant certificate editor Lansdale acquired at one of our Photographica-Fairs.

In the column, Clint’s Curio Corner, our president recounts image finds from his recent visit to a camera show in Vancouver. Following that, editor Lansdale covers an unusual find at our recent Image Show. And in the column, Treasures From My Collection…, Bob Lansdale reviews his tiny Kodak camera collection – two little box cameras so small he compares them to a toonie coin! (A toonie is a $2 Canadian coin.)

This issue wraps up with a request for assistance to Vice-President John Kantymir regarding  unusual engravings on his special Kodak Rainbow Hawk-Eye Vest Pocket folder.

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