Photographic Canadiana 40-3

Photo-Hall-Field-Camera-smToronto. Editor Bob Lansdale has produced another stunning edition of Photographic Canadiana. If you are a member, a copy is on it’s way to you as I write. Not member? Just go to the upper right of this screen and sign up today!

This issue has many interesting stories. For the hardware collector there is the remarkable Photo-Hall view camera (see icon at left). This is the smallest version of the c1890 tail board style field camera. John Kantymir relates how he acquired this excellent and very displayable example of a century plus old field camera while Bob Wilson fills in the technical details.

Toronto notes covers a summary of two notable programs enjoyed this fall by our Toronto members (every one is invited to our monthly meetings). Lorne Shields spoke on his favourite topic – 19th century bicycles –  and their relationship to photography and photographs while Ms Ronit Novak entranced the audience with her hands-on knowledge of the historic wet-plate print processes, especially Ambrotypes.

There are a couple of book reviews and a discussion of findings at this fall’s Rochester symposium. A photo essay plays tribute our new fair location down on Evans Avenue in the Trident Hall. And speaking of photo essays, we have a beautiful multi-page layout of photos taken by 97 year old member Harry Joy in the Kensington Market and at other photogenic locals a half century ago. These and more can be seen at a current exhibit.

Stan White writes about his accidental collection of “odd items” with a camera theme while editor Lansdale offers his views on an unusual image of indians initially thought to have been taken in Rupert’s Land, but now thought to be a scene in the Montana Territory (see our latest newsletter due out this week for more details).

This issue wraps up with another photo essay, this time from the Rochester Symposium, and a 25th anniversary celebration by the Shutterbug in a February 1996 issue of this once glorious magazine. In that issue the editors reviewed the very first camera show on this continent back in 1969 – now 45 years ago!



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