Photographic Canadiana 37-3

This afternoon, a warm and sunny mild November in the city, we packaged the journal 37-3 ready to hit the post office this Monday. Editor Lansdale has two new writers in this issue, Sharron Perry of the Library and Archives Canada up in the Ottawa area who will be doing a regular column on images in the Archives, and Edith Cuerrier, Memorial University who graciously published a version of her thesis project on the visit to Newfoundland by the famous inventor George Eastman of Kodak fame.

Journal 37-3 Dec 2011 to Jan 2012. Cover, a new Daguerreotype by Palmer, Gary Blakeley's new ZeitagTO app, a famous visitor to Newfoundland, Claxton's photo of a shave on the Steamer "James Domville", and Edith Cuerrier, Memorial University, St John's NL, one of two new authors in this issue.

If you are a member you should be sitting back and relaxing while you read about George’s adventures in our newest province before next week is out. If you are not a member, just click the button on the upper right marked “Pay Now” and you can shoot off $35 to us and we will shoot back a fresh issue of this fine quality journal to you!

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