photographers’ blues on October 24, 2022

announcing the October, 2022 WPS

Toronto. Nope. Not a sad occasion but a happy one! A cyanotype photograph has much in common with the blueprint used before the days of cheap copy processes. Horst Herget is a collodion process photographer here in Toronto and has spoken to the PHSC membership as well (September, 2019).

I recently received an email from Horst on a related topic – Cyanotype prints. Horst offered a number of explanations of the process and his demonstration at a forth coming Wet Plate Social in his studio. Horst writes, ” FEATURE: This month Horst welcomes alt process printer Peter Friedrichsen to demonstrate the cyanotype process, from start to finish. Participants can send in one image each as a digital file. A limited selection of images from the submissions will then be chosen for printing. The selection will be based on prints that may help to express a particular attribute of the process rather than artistic merit.

WET PLATE SOCIAL – WPS: A get together to talk, ask questions, and share all things wet plate and alternative photographic processes. From first timers to old timers, the event is open to all that are interested in these beautiful and humbling artforms.

WHEN: October 24th, from 7 to 9pm.

LOCATION: Daylight Studio @daylight_studio_toronto in Toronto: 28 Industrial Street (off Laird, south of Eglinton), M4G 1Y9 unit 222. The building is painted white, and the main entrance is located at the EAST end (look for the very large ENTRANCE SIGN on the corner of the building) with free parking available in the lot in front.

TO ATTEND: All are welcome. Please RSVP. A $10 contribution is greatly appreciated, but not required.

CORRESPONDENCE AND UPDATES: If you have question, please contact Horst at or on Instagram @horst.herget.

FUTURE MEETUPS: WPS are held on the third Monday of the month.

ABOUT HORST: Horst Herget is a wet plate photographer based in Toronto. He has been working with this alternative process for over ten years. His day job is working as corporate photographer and is owner & operator of Daylight Studio Toronto, @daylight_studio_toronto.”

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