Toronto. Have you ever wondered who are the behind the scenes forces in the PHSC? Past president Ed Warner snapped this photo last Wednesday of David Bridge and his wife Louise Freyburger.
David Bridge took over the PHSC Newsletter a couple of years ago from its founder, Bob Lansdale. The multi page, full colour newsletter is distributed monthly via MailChimp complete with hot links. Copies of every main issue are retained on this web site. Members of the PHSC are automatically included in its distribution. Non members can simply request being added at any PHSC sponsored event or by emailing us here.
Recognizing the need to reach younger people these days, Louise Freyburger established our Facebook page on her own volition. The page frequently posts material not on the web site. If you forget how to reach our Facebook page, a link is at the top right of our web site. Louise is a strong author and researcher. She writes columns for both Photographic Canadiana and the PHSC Newsletter. She is considerable help to the editor of our journal, frequently researching old images in considerable depth. This couple is truly a great benefit to the PHSC.