Our America by Ken Burns

book by Ken Burns

Toronto. I first learnt about Ken Burns via iMovie. The Apple App had a spot for effects and even came with one – the Ken Burns Effect. Burns as a documentary photographer used his effect to zoom and scan  stills in his videos to give a sense of motion.

I was surprised to hear that Ken is also an accomplished photo editor of historical photos as demonstrated by his book, “Our America“.

George Dunbar brought this to my attention. George writes, “I’ve been spending some enjoyable time with a magnificent new book, ‘Our America’ by Ken Burns. This huge, coffee-table-size volume, displays the excellent photo-editing talents of this famous documentary film-maker. He’s chosen about 250 images that beautifully capture the essence of America from 1839 to 2019.

“Most of the amazing images are entirely new to me since Mr. Burns and staff have obviously scoured the contents of many useful archives. Although all images depict American life, this book is a treasure-house of historical photography that will surely interest viewers worldwide.

“P.S. It’s available at the Toronto Public Library.”


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