Newsletter 15-7

Margaret Bourke-White (1904-1971), Self-portrait with camera, © Digital Image Museum  Associates

Margaret Bourke-White (1904-1971), Self-portrait with camera, © Digital Image Museum Associates

Toronto. editor David Bridge has whipped up another doozie for your enjoyment. On page one is announcement of our popular Christmas meeting with a gift exchange, show and tell, and silent auction. This is followed by text and photos of our visit to the Museum of Inuit Art and the far north photographs we helped support. A photo essay covers or November auction (we plan to make the fall auction a regular event).

We announce the 2015 Thesis Award, this time with two winners. Louise Freyburger’s column adds some new photo links you can peruse. A new edition of Felix Russo’s ever popular PhotoEd Magazine Stereo Issue is released.

We cover donation of the  original Canadian Phototeria Photo Booth to Ryerson. We wrap up announcing Photographic Canadiana 41-2 and our coming events. Click here or on the image of Ms Bourke-White at left to read and print this colourful nine page issue of the Newsletter.

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