Newsletter 11-4 August 2011. From left: Cover of Newsletter, Ruth Orkin's "American Girl", October's PhotoHistory seminar, Paper Memorabilia, Lorne Shields is pleasantly surprised, Harry Joy photographs at the Miles Nadal gallery (Bloor and Spadina).
Editor Lansdale starts this issue with a synopsis of the PHSC activities for this fall. We celebrate the Gallery show “Memorable Moments” showing member Harry Joy’s 1950s and 60s B&W photographs of Kensington Market and other Toronto neighbourhoods. Stephen Bulger Gallery is proud to remember Ruth Orkin and the 60th Anniversary of her famous “American Girl in Italy” photograph. Lorne Shields was surprised at the NSA meeting this summer where his article “Early Cycling in Stereos” won the 2011 NSA “Best Stereo World Article” award. “Professor” Lindsay Lambert entertains readers with paper memorabilia. Details are provided on the big PhotoHistory symposium coming this October across the lake in Rochester. And there are the regular coming events, want ads and more.