Toronto. An oft repeated axiom is that you are never more than six degrees removed from someone famous. As time has pased, I have always admired the accuracy of this simple statement, which brings me to Marshall McLuhan and his series of talks for the U of T.
You may wonder what this Canadian Icon has in common with the PHSC. In a name, Robert Lansdale. For over two decades now Bob has served as our Photographic Canadiana journal editor and in 1973 he recorded the McLuhan Seminar at the Coach House Series for the University of Toronto (the institution that houses many of his negatives in its archive).
I was reminded of this recently when Bob was sent an email from his eldest son, Robert C Lansdale who spoke at our June 2016 Toronto meeting on the building of the CN Tower:
“Hello Dad,
“You might be aware of this. The ‘McLuhan Centenary’ twitter feed posted this Tweet about your work in March of 2018: