Toronto. In 1949, Newfoundland and Labrador formed the last and 10th province of Canada, Joey Smallwood as head of Newfoundland negotiated the transfer of this beautiful and rugged land from England control to Canada. 1941 saw a brief history with photographs written by A C Shelton and published by E P Dutton in NYC. The book was archived by Memorial University in St John’s and was discovered by my good friend, George Dunbar.
George writes, “Some photographs of Newfoundland by Alfred Cooper Shelton, from his 1941 book, ‘Newfoundland Our North Door Neighbor‘.”
The illustrations were selected by Shelton from photographs he took. Once again photography expands our knowledge and understanding of history! Click the link and enjoy the pre-confederation history of our 10th province (I spent a time in Labrador in the late 1950s).
NB. The title of this post is a riff on a line in an old Newfoundland jig that I like, “I’se the b’y” sung here by the Great Big Sea.