getting to know you

Kodak Canada Website

Toronto. In the days of print, camera makers, photographic chemistry manufacturers, studios, etc. used printed media to promote their wares. In fact George Dunbar has used the various magazine ads and articles of yesteryear as a source of photographic history. City directories, newspapers, in store displays, house organs, pamphlets, etc. were other sources of information.

In today’s world, the photographic mavens resort to the internet using web sites (such as Kodak Canada), social media, Youtube channels, etc. instead to promote product. The printed word, be it magazines or newspapers, is in decline while social media and the like are flourishing! Which raises the question – how will future researchers learn our rich photographic history?

Note: The post title is also a song title. In this case it is a song sung in, “The The King and I“, by Julie Andrews. While sourcing this song, there was some confusion over “The King and I” and “The Sound of Music” as the source. In any case in my selection, the actor is Deborah Kerr but the actual voice is that of Julie Andrews!


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