Toronto. The ladies from the CHPF spoke to us recently via ZOOM. The other day, our society president, Clint Hryhorijiw kindly copied me on this email from Nicole Plaskett sent to him and Celio Barreto, our programme and ZOOM expert.
Nicole writes, “Good Morning!
“I hope that this email finds you both well. I just wanted to let you know, in case your membership may be interested – that we just released over 1200 images by George Hunter of Manitoba during the 1940’s. Most are from his newspaper editorial work – and some of the images are just amazing!
“The link to the Blog post is here:
“There are 50 selected images on our website under Photo Gallery: and the entire collection is available on our Digital Collections page:
“I hope you get some time to browse the images. Please note that we also moved offices as of the end of October. Our new address is below. Come and visit sometime!
“Canadian Heritage Photography Foundation
2227 South Millway, Suite 200
Mississauga, Ontario L5L 3R6“