Fun Time at our Spring Fair

PHSC Spring Fair May 28, 2017

Toronto. Sunday was a great day! We had a terrific time at the spring fair on a warm and sunny day in Toronto. The attendance was steady and strong, the dealers enjoyed a brisk business, and we had a great time browsing the  tables and chatting with friends old and new.

From what I could see, everyone was enjoying the outing. I met folks from Michigan, from Montreal, and of course from Toronto and Mississauga. Congratulations to Mark, Clint, John and Sonja for a job so very well done!

Membership’s Wayne Gilbert in front of PHSC display booth

John Linsky and friend at his table

Nifty late 1800s Carl Zeiss Microscope at Sid Lipkowitz’s  table

Russ Forfar checking under his table

A table of cameras for old news hounds

The gang’s all here

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