Toronto. Dr Hanin Hannouch: Lippmann Process. Dr Hannouch will be speaking to us from Germany next Wednesday on the Lippmann process. Find out what a dead parrot (this one’s not a Monty Python routine) has to do with an experimental 1880s/1890s colour process. Join us on July 21, 2021 at 8 pm (we begin around 7:30 with a social get together – all welcome).
Go to Eventbrite for more information and to register. Tickets are free! If there are any questions, go to and our programme director, Celio Barreto, will help you.
Remember, in the Q&A after the talk, Zoom audience questions are welcome. Take this opportunity to hear and see Dr Hannouch and learn more about an historic experiment in capturing colour by the action of light (a decade before Autochrome and long before Kodachrome appeared on the market).