CN Tower and Robert C Lansdale in the news.

Part of a Toronto Star photograph by

Part of a Toronto Star photograph by Randy Risling

Toronto. For our June meeting we had the pleasure of hosting Robert C Lansdale’s iconic history of the building of the CN Tower in this its 40th anniversary year. It was a two hour power-point show capped off with an anniversary cake. People who built the tower and members of the PHSC joined in the celebration.

Robert’s father, a profession photographer and Ryerson graduate, is a long time member of the PHSC, editing our journal Photographic Canadiana for almost half its life, and taking official photographs of our events and speakers.

Robert’s talk is dedicated to the men who built the CN Tower. It is posted here at with thumbnails of each slide, and here on Flickr.

Robert junior’s efforts can be read and seen here in the Toronto Star, by columnist Shawn Micallef, a tribute to Graham Bezant in the Toronto Guardian,  an article by Nick Westall in the Toronto Sun, plus Mike Filey’s Toronto Sun column (Mike was at the PHSC presentation).

Googling “CN Tower 40th Lansdale” will bring up a wealth of articles and photographs. Have a look and see why the CN Tower is truly exceptional, and a massive engineering feat!

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