clowning around

LIFE ad in Oct 1942 for Castle Films

Toronto. Taking a break from stills, my good friend, George Dunbar, found this ad for Castle Films. Most of our members are ‘stills’ professionals or collect still cameras and images. The occasional member is keen on movies as well (the late Bob Gutteridge even wrote about them).

Castle Films saw a niche market in ready-to-view films for the home (8mm, 16mm). The company aimed at those who had movie viewing gear but had lost interest in taking movies. The company must have been mainly a marketing force since beside ordering a movie copy directly, you could often just buy one from a local photo supply store (our drug store carried the Castle line (briefly) along with other photo supplies and services).

The above ad appeared the October, 1942 edition of LIFE magazine. In the late 1950s, our family had a few different Castle Films titles – you  guessed it, bought at the local drug store.



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