capping it off

a Digger Wasp photographed by me July 16, 2020 with an ‘auto focus’ iPod Touch (hence the slight blur)

Toronto. From the beginning of our society, we had a class of membership called ‘exchange members’. These were no different to the PHSC in objective: photography oriented. An exchange membership means an exchange of journals or newsletters rather than annual fees.

In 2005, C.A.P.A. (Canadian Association For Photographic Art) joined us. We received their latest newsletter this month. To view it, or any newsletter, or to join. Click this link.

In the May 2023 newsletter, CAPA member, Geoff Dunn, is noted for his close-up photo of a “Gold Digger Wasp”. If your interest in photography tends to the ‘Photographic Art’ aspect, Visit the CAPA site. Note that the photo at left (taken by me) is also a ‘Digger’ wasp, this time on a Cinderella Milkweed blossom.

While some stinging insects are harmful to Monarch butterflies which search out the many varieties of milk weed blossoms for nectar, fortunately the ‘Digger’ is harmless to them.

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