… but it works!

Buckley’s for the Internet

Toronto. When the Canadian Anti-spam Law (CASL) was enacted, I saw more red tape to keep track of requests for our newsletter. After reading Michael Geist’s article in today’s Globe on the progress of CASL,  I was impressed. Indeed, the number of spam emails to my inbox has slowly decreased.

Currently, I get many stupid, poorly written grammatically incorrect messages announcing that I have an invoice or money or whatever along with a .jar or .tar file. For those who don’t know, the .jar and .tar files are programs which I imagine attempt to disrupt your computer or ISP in some fashion – I just delete this junk.

As a kid, I was given Buckley’s for a cough or cold. The taste was indeed “awful, but it works”. I soon learned to avoid coughing within earshot of adults… Buckley’s anyone?

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