a marr connection

Book on the Boston Studio of T E Marr & Son

Toronto. Journal editor Bob Lansdale sent me an email he recently received from Buffalo announcing a new 110 page photographic history monograph  written by Ron Polito covering another Boston Photographic Studio (other than Southworth & Hawes).

Rob McElroy of Buffalo, NY writes, “I just received the announcement from the Photographic Historical Society of New England (PHSNE) about a fascinating new photo history publication written by PhotoHistory member and author, Ron Polito, which is the culmination of eight years of research into the history, aesthetics and techniques of a little known father and son photographic studio, T. E. Marr (& Son), that was founded in Boston in 1899.  All proceeds from the sale of the book benefit the Society.”

Contact the PHSNE for further details, purchase options, etc. The link is to their temporary website. Alternatively you can visit their page on MagCloud.

Note, the title is a riff on the photographer’s name. Many do it yourselfers as well as all electricians know that Marr Connectors (generically named wire nuts) are used to join electrical wires together without a need to solder and tape the join. Ironically, these common items were patented here in the big smoke a few years before the American patent.


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