a Kodak projector – I swan

1955 ad for a Kodak Signet 35mm slide projector

Toronto. Here is another pre-carousel projector from Kodak as shown in this rather wordy ad from the October, 1955 issue of Popular Mechanics. To promote the line of 2×2 transparency slide films,  Kodak made and sold well-designed and well-built 35mm projectors.

Thanks is due to my good friend George Dunbar for spotting this advertisement and sharing it with us. Sadly, all film projectors – Kodak or not – are passé in these days of digital wizardry. Digital files and digital projectors have replaced the films and bulky film projectors of yesteryear. Mind you, our fairs and auctions are often a good place to spot a film projector to add to your collection.

NB. The title of this post is a riff on the homophones “Signet and cygnet“.  While pronounced the same, the meanings differ.  The first spelling, with a capital ‘S’, means an official seal especially used in the UK (and a 1950s Kodak projector). The second spelling means a young swan.

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