starting early …

Bailey grabs a few ZZZzzzs

Toronto. Well the paucity of motions at the June executive meeting suggests the ‘dog days of summer‘ are starting a bit early this year. ZOOM meeting #37 was held Wednesday, June 5, 2023. Our next exec meeting is July 5, 2023 via ZOOM.

Please note that our June Toronto meeting has been shifted to next month as the speaker is currently in Europe. A TENTATIVE date is MONDAY, July 26th via ZOOM.  Details will follow in a few weeks.

Our Newsletter potentially has an editor this fall. Meantime, journal co-editor, David Bridge is posting any announcements. If you would like a personal copy of our newsletter but haven’t joined up yet, drop me a note at Of course ALL current newsletters have been released to date and copies are under the menu bar item “NEWSLETTER”.

Our membership secretary remained unavailable due to some health issues. Assistance is underway. First item will be the investigation of more modern ways to attract and record members than the means in use today which are getting a bit long in the tooth.

Most of the spring auction cheques to sellers have been mailed and a full auction report will be available to the executive soon.

Following the spring auction, we held our spring photographica-fair (a great start to 2023). PS.The trunk sale will be held July 16th, followed by the fall auction (September 17th) and fall fair (October 15th).

Our  journal #48-4 was issued to all members as a pdf file via MailChimp. Didn’t get a copy and you are a current member? Email me at . Co-editor David Bridge gave the exec an overview of the status and work in progress for issue 49-1.

Is spring really here? Well, the trees are in blossom. The grass needs cutting again. But it is doggone wet and chilly out. Fortunately, the seventh wave of COVID-19 and its restrictions are just a bad memory and fading fast.

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