a big THANKS to the PPoC

Gallerie Winter 2019 PPoC

Toronto. Take a look here at Gallerie. The Professional Photographers of Ontario organization and its antecedents  were the proving ground for our journal editor Bob Lansdale.

He has produced impressive issues with well thought out content and content mix. In fact, over half the issues printed during the remarkable 45 year life of our journal were conceived and edited by Bob Lansdale.

In fact, our society would not exist in the form it is in today without his diligent and devoted publication of Photographic Canadiana, suggestions on speakers and suggestions how to improve our organization like his pdf newsletter that reaches thousands, displays at camera fairs, collection of email addresses, and his ideas and thoughts for our anniversaries (25th, 30th, 35th, 40th and now 45th) and much more – a behind the scenes force for innovation and encouragement.

A tip of the hat to Bob and the PPoC! We are blessed to have him as a member and serious volunteer.


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