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Here are some other neat web sites of interest to camera and image collectors. They are grouped into six categories as shown in the navigation bar below this paragraph. If you have a favourite site not listed here, or find a broken link, please send an e-mail to info@phsc.ca giving the site address. Please include the words reference link in the subject of your message. All links tested February 24 2004.
Toronto | Clubs & Societies | Images & Photographers | Hardware | Digital | Miscellaneous
City of Toronto. Official website - take a few minutes and browse here before you drive off to discover the city.
Welcome to Toronto! An absolutely mind-boggling amount of information on the home of the PHSC. Extensive links to many different aspects of living in Toronto. Includes a road map, and an link to the map service from Xerox Park which provides an interactive map of North America showing the location of our city.
Archives of Ontario A Virtual Gallery of images by M. O. Hammond of Toronto (1876-1934) is one of many Online Exhibits at our provincial archives.
Amphot - PAGB Amphot is the official site of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. Includes information on the organization, interesting links, etc.
American Photographic Historical Society The PHSC and APHS have exchanged journals for years. Gerald Fine at gfine@monmouth.com is our contact.
Camera Club of Ottawa This group is a bit older than the PHSC. It was established in 1894! Drop in and see what the folks are doing with our future collectibles...
Canadian Aviation Historical Society The Toronto chapter of this organization also meets in the North York Centre. If your interest includes old aircraft, check them out.
New Web Community for Daguerreotype enthusiasts.
The site currently features a number of images by PHSC VP Mike Robinson. You can take a tiny peak (click on the Dagazine logo above to open the site in a fresh window). Full access is limited to members (membership is free). The images are very clear on the site. You can comment on the images and chat with other members.
Daguerreian Society Drop in to learn about one of the oldest photographic processes. This fast growing society includes Daguerreotype collectors and modern practitioners. Their annual book is a massive reference on all aspects of Daguerreotypes.
Etobicoke Camera Club This camera club is in the west end of
Metropolitan Toronto.
Focus Camera Club of Moncton NB meets every second week at 7:00pm, on the University de Moncton campus in the Remi Rossignol Building, in room D102. Check their web site for meeting details.
Leica Historical Society of America The members of the LHSA collect examples of one of the finest 35mm cameras ever made. The quarterly journal of the LHSA, the Viewfinder, and the LHSA catalog are valuable reference for the Leica enthusiast.
Mississauga Camera Club The Mississauga Camera Club (formerly the South Peel Camera Club) was established in 1954. The Club offers an opportunity for the sharing of ideas, improvement of photographic skills, as well as fellowship through Photography. The regular M.C.C. meetings are normally held on the first and third Thursday evenings, from the middle of September to June, and start at 8:00 pm.
National Stereoscopic Association produces an excellent periodical on this ever fascinating aspect of photographic images.
Ontario Historical Society has a web site with information on this fine organization.
Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain Visit with Britain's camera and image collectors club. October 1997 speaker Michael Pritchard is a member of the PCC of GB.
Photographic Historical Society of New England Recently changed its web site to a new address (April 2002). This society has many well known collector members.
Nikon Historical Society A classy web page for collectors of one of the most famous post WWII cameras.
Photographic Historical Society The PHS in Rochester New York was formed in 1965, and is considered the first in the world. It is best known for the excellent PhotoHistory Symposiums sponsored at George Eastman House every three years. PhotoHistoryX arrives October 1997.
RA Photo Club One of the oldest, largest photography clubs in Ottawa. Check out their activites in the capital city.
Lions Gate Camera Club This Vancouver club was established some seventy years ago.
Zeiss Historica Society The ZHS is for all Zeiss enthusiasts. The society publishs the journal Zeiss Historica covering articles about Zeiss and its range of products including cameras, lenses and microscopes. This is their new site as of August 2001.
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Steven Evans of Toronto operates a virtual gallery of vintage images. He also participates in local paper shows.
Zoom & Classic Camera. Zoom Magazine is a lush production that has been published for many years. Classic Camera is a more recent magazine from Europe with rich illustrations and articles on the classic cameras. Our thanks to Palolo Namias for bringing this site to our attention and for including a link to us from their link page.
Image Inventory Software Tom Elenbaas is a collector of 19th century images and Union cases. Frustrated by the lack of inventory software for image collectors in this age of scanners and digital imaging, Tom created his own software. Visit his Faithful Hound site and see if his solution fits your needs too!
A BC Historian
This link takes you to "G.R. Fardon's Portraits on Leather", "Camera
Workers", and "The Photographers of Onderdonk's Way", projects
by Photographic Canadiana contributor David Mattison (see his personal site
listed below).
Glass Plate Negatives (1890s - 1930s) The University of Virginia's
Special Collections Department has posted a web exhibition from their holdings
of over 9000 glass-plate negatives which once belonged to Holsinger Studios
in Virginia. Our thanks to Pat Belier for this information.
Margaret Cameron This site is the official trust
site for Dimbola Lodge, were JMC made her now famous glass plate photographs of
people (notable and otherwise). Our thanks to James Barrington, IT Consultant to
the JMC Trust for this information.
Early Daguerreotypes of Niagara Falls Owen Bradford at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England recently uncovered some very early photographs of Niagara Falls taken from the Canadian side (April 1840). The engravings from these images were used for the publication Excursions
Daguerriennes produced by N M P Lerebours in 1841.
Rochester Institute of Technology This site is maintained by Professor Andrew Davidhazy, chairman of the Imaging and Photography Technology department of RIT. There is a wealth of information provided for people working in this field. Links provided to student and graduate pages, plus a PhotoForum of other web sites with imaging or photographic information.
David Mattison (Link updated March 2002 to new URL) David is an historian living in Victoria, BC. He has written some articles published in our journal, plus articles and references on BC photographers (see our Ads page). His site has a wealth of links to historical references, principally in BC, including government archives and genealogy data.
Fastlens Photo Page Leo Robichaud, recently retired Senior VP at Canon Canada has created this page which offers a wide range of links to other photo sites, photographers, newsgroups, commercial pages, etc. Take a look, but be prepared to spend a while hopping from one interesting site to another...
3-D WEB This gorgeous site will have you seeing double in no time.....
Located in Montreal, the McCord is associated with McGill University and is the repository of the Notman archives. Plates, prints and annotated albums recording the details of almost all the images made and sold by this famous studio are housed at the McCord.
This site is devoted to the Lumiere Brothers and the Autochrome, the first popular and widely used colour process. The plates were simple black and white emulsions coated with a layer of potato starch grains dyes red, blue or green, the additive colour process visible on computer monitors and television (check your screen with a magnifying glass).
Alpa Cameras Alpa cameras and Kern Switar lenses will bring back memories to many who lusted after quality precision cameras in the 1950s and 60s. Drop in on this site and learn more about this famous manqué.
Argus Collectors Group is a mail list and web site devoted to Argus cameras and accessories. The site includes reference material and surveys on the model A and model C cameras.
Ed Romney wrote a camera repair column in Shutterbug for many years (on his web page Ed touches on some of the lively debate that his column and manuals sparked amongst camera repairmen) In addition to his own manuals, Ed offers a great selection of reprints of hard to find factory repair manuals. Check it out!
Maurizio Frizziero's Exakta Page Maurizio provides information on Exakta cameras and collecting from the European perspective. If you are an Exakta collector, you will find this page worth a visit.
The Sub Club This page has recently been created to provide a gathering point for all sub-mini users and collectors. Our thanks to Brian Morris for suggesting it.
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