Bob Wilson (right) with staff scientist Michel Maillet, Projection Room, Science North – photo by Stan White
Toronto. You likely think of Hollywood when you think of films/movies but we also produced movies beginning with Evangeline in 1913. In issue 21-2, (Sep.Oct 1995) Ev devoted a number of pages to the centenary of motion pictures in Canada,
His own article titled “PHSC celebrates the Centenary of Motion Pictures” begins, “An early Canadian feature film was produced in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in that year [1913] by the Canadian Biograph Co. Limited of Halifax. The company was formed in 1912 by H.H.B. Holland of the Anglo-American Film Co. of London, England.
“Holland was president and general manager; N. V. Castonguay, vice-president; H.G. Lawrence, Secretary-treasurer; George Winters and E.F. Keefe, directors. A studio was maintained in Halifax on Barrington Street.
“‘Evangeline’ was the first feature release. It was filmed in Annapolis and Grand Pre in October and November. H.T. Oliver, an engineer, equipped the laboratory and supervised the entire photographic and mechanical work, becoming a vice-president. W.E. Thompson was chief photographer.
“The scenario was arranged by Marguerite Marquis following the famous poem by Longfellow. Local dramatic talent featured prominently as did the financial assistance of local residents. The film was successful both here and in the United States. This success was not repeated in later ventures.
“Holland had a dispute with Oliver, who left the company in April of 1914. The company went out of business three months later.”
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